Golden Easel

Golden Easel
Golden Easel

The International Art Forum of Children’s Art “Golden Easel” (from now on referred to as the Forum) is an art platform founded for:

  1. Identification of talented children during the International Children’s Art Contests “Golden Easel.”
  2. Artistic training of participants at plein airs and workshops in the Golden Easel Art Residences in Ukraine and abroad.
  3. Popularization of the phenomenon of child genius at traveling exhibitions on all continents of the world.
  4. Presentation of artists’ pedagogical ideas on the creative development of talented children.
  5. Opening the pedagogical Art Academy of the magazine “Artclass” in digital format.

“The emotions and feelings of our children are the best diplomacy” that can tell the world about Ukraine, calling Humanity to unite for peace on Earth. Children’s art has no borders: it flies above politics and is understandable to everyone.



PAINTING WHAT WE LOVE is the theme of the Golden Easel International Children’s Art Contest in 2024-2025. Children draw what they like and what interests them. The highest “aerobatics” of art are conveying the impression of the world in a painting and surprising the audience. Participants of the Contest receive diplomas, and the winners are invited to participate in the final. The winners of the final are awarded golden easels and trips to the Golden Easel Art Residence in Ukraine, Germany, and Switzerland. Registration for participation is from the 2nd of August to the 20th of December, 2024. The original works are to be sent only by courier to the address 10/2, Boi-Zhelenskoho Street, Lviv, Ukraine (Olha Mykhailiuk-Soronovych; c.t. +380678439767).

Artclass Publishing House and Magazines

Artclass Publishing House and Magazines
Artclass Publishing House and Magazines
The educational and artistic magazine "Artclass" was founded in 2003 by Olha Mykhailiuk, editor-in-chief and creative director, and is published on chalky paper in B-4 format as a scientific and artistic platform that reveals the unique phenomenon of children's and professional art, tells the truth about the historical origins of the cultural heritage of our ancestors, and introduces us to the unknown pages of the work of prominent luminaries of Ukrainian fine arts, which Soviet regime had been closing off from us for centuries. In 2005, "Artclass" first published unique masterpieces collected in the Andrey Sheptytsky National Museum of Lviv and received the award for the best art publication in Ukraine. Since 2016, "Artclass" has been publishing separate books on research and the historical origins of Ukrainian culture. In 2022, "Artclass" was published digitally. Its printed editions are now rare.

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